Mu Online Season 13 Private server. is new private mu online gaming project. Server is based on S13 server files.
Hello here you can find great MuFiles + SUB FILES FIXED + VIP.SEASON 6 EPISODE 1
10.07.62 FILES.
Now run 20 Sub Server No Crash hihi. Server run WinXP SP2 in Desktop computer. this computer is Not Server machine.
credits to hainam79.
Main Version: 22:8 =
Serial: UniversalGames
*To change the IP Use Hex editor.
*To change the serial main use Main Craker.
Works with Operating System: Windows Server 2003 - Windows Server 2008 - Windows XP and Windows 7 32 and 64 bits.
Acontinuacion its characteristics
-ServerFiles 100% stable for a serious server and no crashs. -All configuration files created by SCFMT, from the following folder: SCFData. -Item File (Kor / New). txt is set to 100% with the original items and names Webzen original, 100% in English. -Eventitembags - Shops - Events - Drop - MonstersSetBase, configured to my taste, is good for the user feel comfortable. message.txt-file translated in a 100% English.
Customer 1.07H.
100% Client system languages.
Item.bmd files - Quest.bmd - Skill.bmd - MoveReq.bmd, they are 100% synchronized with the server.
1.07H Main 100% original version.
In the chaos machine, it works.
Creation of Wings lvl1
-lvl2 creation Wings
lvl3 Wings-Creation
-Creating Item +14 - +15, also to increase the item & the chaos and they leave their items +13, +14, +15 without burning
- Creating Potion of Bless
-Creating Potion of Soul
-Making Life Stone
-Creating a Piece of Horn
-Creating Sacromicon Book
-Entry Creating BC +1
+2 BC-Building entry
Building entry-BC +3
+4 BC entry-Creating
entry-Creating BC +5
+6 BC-Building entry
Building entry-BC +7
+8 BC input-Building
-Creating +1 entry DSQ
DSQ entry-Creating +2
+3 DSQ entry-Creating
entry-Creating +4 DSQ
DSQ + entry-Creating 5
-Creating +6 entry DSQ
DSQ +7 entry-Creating
Creation of the Platform of Illusion +1
-creation of the Platform of Illusion +2
-creation of the Platform of Illusion +3
-creation of the Platform of Illusion +4
- Creating the Platform of Illusion +5
-creation of the Platform of Illusion +6
-Creating a Guild
-Dissolving a Guild
-Blokeo of Vaul
-Ring of transformation - Panda
-Ring of transformation - SnowMan
-Ring of transformation - Skeleton
Adds drop of variables, soul, chaos, creation, demon, or others, in the blue event. The Blue Tarkan 1 event are on the right side wheel in trunk below, Debian 4. Also this Atake Boss event in Debian 4 and black papanoel event. soket system has in the armor of 1, 2 and 3 rd level, as in arms. Has Duel system. It Varnert duel system and Drupi, also to believe the same gens alinzas and party as well. Marriage 100% 100% bk Combo All powers of the Pj bn configured. Commands 100%.
-lvl2 creation Wings
lvl3 Wings-Creation
-Creating Item +14 - +15, also to increase the item & the chaos and they leave their items +13, +14, +15 without burning
- Creating Potion of Bless
-Creating Potion of Soul
-Making Life Stone
-Creating a Piece of Horn
-Creating Sacromicon Book
-Entry Creating BC +1
+2 BC-Building entry
Building entry-BC +3
+4 BC entry-Creating
entry-Creating BC +5
+6 BC-Building entry
Building entry-BC +7
+8 BC input-Building
-Creating +1 entry DSQ
DSQ entry-Creating +2
+3 DSQ entry-Creating
entry-Creating +4 DSQ
DSQ + entry-Creating 5
-Creating +6 entry DSQ
DSQ +7 entry-Creating
Creation of the Platform of Illusion +1
-creation of the Platform of Illusion +2
-creation of the Platform of Illusion +3
-creation of the Platform of Illusion +4
- Creating the Platform of Illusion +5
-creation of the Platform of Illusion +6
-Creating a Guild
-Dissolving a Guild
-Blokeo of Vaul
-Ring of transformation - Panda
-Ring of transformation - SnowMan
-Ring of transformation - Skeleton
Adds drop of variables, soul, chaos, creation, demon, or others, in the blue event. The Blue Tarkan 1 event are on the right side wheel in trunk below, Debian 4. Also this Atake Boss event in Debian 4 and black papanoel event. soket system has in the armor of 1, 2 and 3 rd level, as in arms. Has Duel system. It Varnert duel system and Drupi, also to believe the same gens alinzas and party as well. Marriage 100% 100% bk Combo All powers of the Pj bn configured. Commands 100%.
functional Events:
Boss Atack Event
Event Goer Double
Happy Hour Event
Event Moss Merchant
Event Blue
Castle Deep
invasions of Santa and his henchmen
Santa Village
Sky Master-Level Event-
Event LaCleon
Hit and Up Event
Imperial Guardian From Monday to Sunday
Devil Square7-LevelMaster-
Chaos Castle
Illusion Temple
of the Golden invasions
Blood Castle
Crywolf>> I forget Aki configured to go to the map, then put it
reamin Kantru
I will give the awards event on Imperial Guardian:
Day Monday: Arms, staf.
Day Tuesday: Shields.
Day Wednesday: Helmd.
Day Thursday: Armors.
Day Friday: gloves.
Day Saturday: Boots.
Day Sunday (Boss 1): Armasm, staff, Shields, adolescents and items of Tuesday till the Saturday
Change ip:Event Goer Double
Happy Hour Event
Event Moss Merchant
Event Blue
Castle Deep
invasions of Santa and his henchmen
Santa Village
Sky Master-Level Event-
Event LaCleon
Hit and Up Event
Imperial Guardian From Monday to Sunday
Devil Square7-LevelMaster-
Chaos Castle
Illusion Temple
of the Golden invasions
Blood Castle
Crywolf>> I forget Aki configured to go to the map, then put it
reamin Kantru
I will give the awards event on Imperial Guardian:
Day Monday: Arms, staf.
Day Tuesday: Shields.
Day Wednesday: Helmd.
Day Thursday: Armors.
Day Friday: gloves.
Day Saturday: Boots.
Day Sunday (Boss 1): Armasm, staff, Shields, adolescents and items of Tuesday till the Saturday
Change SQL IDSQL Password:
Mu Server Files Download
Change address for Startup:
StartUpCopia de bor_StartUp
<Service StartInterval='1000' Path='D:MuServerDataServer1Dataserver1.exe' Parameters='55960 1' />
<Service StartInterval='1000' Path='D:MuServerDataServer2Dataserver2.exe' Parameters='55962 2' />
<Service StartInterval='1000' Path='D:MuServerDataServer3Dataserver3.exe' Parameters='55964 3' />
Change the addres (D:MuServer)for your folder addres<Service StartInterval='1000' Path='D:MuServerDataServer2Dataserver2.exe' Parameters='55962 2' />
<Service StartInterval='1000' Path='D:MuServerDataServer3Dataserver3.exe' Parameters='55964 3' />
<Service StartInterval='1000' Path='c:MuServerDataServer1Dataserver1.exe' Parameters='55960 1' />
<Service StartInterval='1000' Path='c:MuServerDataServer2Dataserver2.exe' Parameters='55962 2' />
<Service StartInterval='1000' Path='c:MuServerDataServer3Dataserver3.exe' Parameters='55964 3'
Like you can see we change the addres from D: to C:
<Service StartInterval='1000' Path='c:MuServerDataServer2Dataserver2.exe' Parameters='55962 2' />
<Service StartInterval='1000' Path='c:MuServerDataServer3Dataserver3.exe' Parameters='55964 3'
Like you can see we change the addres from D: to C:
Update 5/11/2011: Job-To-Auto-Date-The-Castle-Siege
(Job To Execute Query Analyzer Go Use: MuOnline)
Update 21/08/2012: MuMaker with all the new items+sockets+380opt rings+pendant+wings
Update 21/08/2012: MuCore WebFiles support season 6
MuServer Update 21/08/2012:(new link)
MuServer (1)
(Easy way all the configurate ok+Custom items
All items can be with 380opt+Sockets).
MuServer Update 21/08/2012:(New links)
MuServer (Multiplay3rMu)
(MuServer files with our config for 'Multiplay3rMU' Enjoy. i release it for new/old
admins use it or take some idea or upgrade some of our ideas). Good luck all :)
Importand: All what we release is safe and was testing on alot of differents PCs
with different protects and with different OS.
Update 23/08/2012: Client
Link 1
Link 2
ok i see alot players hard to fix the CS here it is:
First go MuServer/Data/Event look there have file CastleSiege Delete it.
Now open MuCastleData and replace that :
//By Baramos
1 // How many days will last the entire cycle of the event
// Setting of castle periods..
// Period ID Day Hour Minute
1 0 0 0 // periodo de registro
2 1 23 59 // estado de espera
3 2 18 0 // senial de estado de registro
4 5 0 0 // estado de espera
5 5 12 0 // Estado de notifiacion de ataque al clan
6 5 19 0 // estado de comienzo para Casttle Siegue
7 6 18 25 // estado de inicio de Casttle Siegue
8 6 21 0 // estado de fin de Casttle Siegue
9 14 0 0 // Fin del ciclo
// Settings of NPC located in loren
// NPC ID DBStore Def Recover HP StartHP SX SY DX DY DIR
283 1 1 1 0 0 1500000 94 227 -1 -1 1 //Guardian Statue
283 2 1 1 0 0 1500000 94 182 -1 -1 1 //Guardian Statue
283 3 1 1 0 0 1500000 82 130 -1 -1 1 //Guardian Statue
283 4 1 1 0 0 1500000 107 130 -1 -1 1 //Guardian Statue
277 1 1 1 0 0 1900000 93 204 -1 -1 1 //Castle Gate
277 2 1 1 0 0 1900000 81 161 -1 -1 1 //Castle Gate
277 3 1 1 0 0 1900000 107 161 -1 -1 1 //Castle Gate
277 4 1 1 0 0 1900000 67 114 -1 -1 1 //Castle Gate
277 5 1 1 0 0 1900000 93 114 -1 -1 1 //Castle Gate
277 6 1 1 0 0 1900000 119 114 -1 -1 1 //Castle Gate
288 1 0 1 0 0 800000 75 130 -1 -1 1 //Canon Tower
288 2 0 1 0 0 800000 88 130 -1 -1 1 //Canon Tower
288 3 0 1 0 0 800000 99 130 -1 -1 1 //Canon Tower
288 4 0 1 0 0 800000 114 130 -1 -1 1 //Canon Tower
288 5 0 1 0 0 800000 94 151 -1 -1 1 //Canon Tower
288 6 0 1 0 0 800000 88 182 -1 -1 1 //Canon Tower
288 7 0 1 0 0 800000 100 182 -1 -1 1 //Canon Tower
288 8 0 1 0 0 800000 94 221 -1 -1 1 //Canon Tower
288 9 0 1 0 0 800000 94 233 -1 -1 1 //Canon Tower
215 1 0 1 0 0 10000 94 242 -1 -1 1 //Shield
222 1 0 1 0 0 10000 80 188 -1 -1 1 //Slingshot Defense
222 2 0 1 0 0 10000 105 188 -1 -1 1 //Slingshot Defense
221 1 0 2 0 0 10000 63 19 -1 -1 5 //Slingshot Attack
221 2 0 2 0 0 10000 119 19 -1 -1 5 //Slingshot Attack
then you fix the stupid bug from SCFMT Good Luck and More power MuOnline!!// CASTLE SIEGE SETTINGS
//By Baramos
1 // How many days will last the entire cycle of the event
// Setting of castle periods..
// Period ID Day Hour Minute
1 0 0 0 // periodo de registro
2 1 23 59 // estado de espera
3 2 18 0 // senial de estado de registro
4 5 0 0 // estado de espera
5 5 12 0 // Estado de notifiacion de ataque al clan
6 5 19 0 // estado de comienzo para Casttle Siegue
7 6 18 25 // estado de inicio de Casttle Siegue
8 6 21 0 // estado de fin de Casttle Siegue
9 14 0 0 // Fin del ciclo
// Settings of NPC located in loren
// NPC ID DBStore Def Recover HP StartHP SX SY DX DY DIR
283 1 1 1 0 0 1500000 94 227 -1 -1 1 //Guardian Statue
283 2 1 1 0 0 1500000 94 182 -1 -1 1 //Guardian Statue
283 3 1 1 0 0 1500000 82 130 -1 -1 1 //Guardian Statue
283 4 1 1 0 0 1500000 107 130 -1 -1 1 //Guardian Statue
277 1 1 1 0 0 1900000 93 204 -1 -1 1 //Castle Gate
277 2 1 1 0 0 1900000 81 161 -1 -1 1 //Castle Gate
277 3 1 1 0 0 1900000 107 161 -1 -1 1 //Castle Gate
277 4 1 1 0 0 1900000 67 114 -1 -1 1 //Castle Gate
277 5 1 1 0 0 1900000 93 114 -1 -1 1 //Castle Gate
277 6 1 1 0 0 1900000 119 114 -1 -1 1 //Castle Gate
288 1 0 1 0 0 800000 75 130 -1 -1 1 //Canon Tower
288 2 0 1 0 0 800000 88 130 -1 -1 1 //Canon Tower
288 3 0 1 0 0 800000 99 130 -1 -1 1 //Canon Tower
288 4 0 1 0 0 800000 114 130 -1 -1 1 //Canon Tower
288 5 0 1 0 0 800000 94 151 -1 -1 1 //Canon Tower
288 6 0 1 0 0 800000 88 182 -1 -1 1 //Canon Tower
288 7 0 1 0 0 800000 100 182 -1 -1 1 //Canon Tower
288 8 0 1 0 0 800000 94 221 -1 -1 1 //Canon Tower
288 9 0 1 0 0 800000 94 233 -1 -1 1 //Canon Tower
215 1 0 1 0 0 10000 94 242 -1 -1 1 //Shield
222 1 0 1 0 0 10000 80 188 -1 -1 1 //Slingshot Defense
222 2 0 1 0 0 10000 105 188 -1 -1 1 //Slingshot Defense
221 1 0 2 0 0 10000 63 19 -1 -1 5 //Slingshot Attack
221 2 0 2 0 0 10000 119 19 -1 -1 5 //Slingshot Attack
Webzen (office files)
MuCore (WebFiles)
Scf files (TT )
Elvampironegro (share files)
CPTeam (share Update 1)
ResitaMU (i take items(new)+Editor)
BARAMOS (add sockets+380opt for all items+MuMaker+edited MuCoreFiles)
Joshué Reyes (for design Header)
Sam5423 (fix crystalmu template+index.php)
Pinkof (Crack GameServerCS, SCFxDB)
ADM_Scott ( Crack Decrypt GS Web Shop Season 6)
Arcangel (configure and optimize + Installer Power By: Xtreme Labs)
Thanks for Encouragement to :
LigerZero - HELP
hunter1989 - HELP
allexander - HELP
linda1990 - HELP
heureux - HELP
MORE POWER MUONLINE !!Package files for lazy people or for who could not compile scr file
General Features
- Minimum CPU & RAM usage control resources usage from configuration
- Enhanced Speed and Performance of Server applications
- Hyper-threading optimized files multi-core processors are no longer a problem
- Packets Queue System
- Easy Configurable Environment minimalist configuration required to up and run server
- Detailed Logs System now you can keep an eye on what your players are doing
Client Side Features
- HD Resolution Support
- Auto Reconnect System
- Glow System shinny your items in own colours
- Custom Items System add own items up to 512 per group
- Possible Item Combinations Ancient, Excellent Ancient, Excellent, Socket with up to 5 Spheres Support, JoH Items, 380 Items, Harmony Items System up to +13
- Support of high attack speed for all Skills and Classes (no speed bug)
- Multi Language Support: Chinese, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Russian, Vietnam and more (included translations: English, Portuguese, Spanish)
Tools and Editors
1. IGC.Essential Tool
- Stats Editor
- Location Editor
- Skill Editor
- Gens Editor
- Game Master Editor
- Account Manager
- Banishment Manager
- VIP Manager
- Castle Siege Manager
- Marriage Manager
- Guild Manager
- Item Editor
Database Management
- Search and delete empty or inactive Accounts
- Search and delete dupe Items
- Character Exp Fixer
- DataBase Backup Manager
- Items structure converter to IGC.Format
- and more...
- Item Finder
- Account Finder
- Status Checker
Server and Game Features
- MuunSystem
- Party & Guild Matching
- Pandora Jewel and Mining System
- News and Notices System display global messages to your players on specified interval
- Advanced VIP System award your players with a range of benefits of being VIP
- Bonus Event System Adjust Exp rates for specified maps
- Cash Shop System award with cash or coin for every event type and Play Time
- Chaos Box System configure the rates the way you want
- Character Settings System get your character balanced, no matter of your server configuration
- Skill Settings System configure skills formula of each class and special mobs skills
- Buffer Bot System Customize the Bots to award your players with selection of Buffs
- Event Reward System Customize events (Blood Castle, Devil Square, Chaos Chaos and more) reward type and count
- Prohibited Words limit your players with the words that are not elegant
- ChaosCard Bag Custom Reward from Chaos Card - that can be done
- Custom Socket Manage Custom Socket Item? Yes, this is truth
- Lucky Items Manager want a Custom Lucky Item? Nothing easier
- Reset Item Manager required item to perform reset? Configure it here
- Item Bag Manager allows you to add New Event Bags yourself for and item or monster
- Drop Manager Configure drop the way you want, with no limits
- Game Master Shop
- Off-Trade System sell the Stuff for any type of coin or cash
- Off-Levelling gain exp being offline
- Auto Party System Leave an open door for your friends to join party while being AFK
- Configurable PVP Damage Reduction increases the PVP duration without changing the characters balance
- Configurable Castle Siege damage reduction increases the Castle Siege PVP duration without changing the characters balance
- Full Customizable Elemental System with pentagram, mithril and Errtel drop rates and mix rates
- Map Attribute System enabling or disabling PVP, Pk Penalty, Exp Bonus and Drop Rate for each map
- Zen Configuration customize the zen drop of each map
- Gens System configurable and with all features (Quests, Ranking, PVP and more)
- Multi-ware System which allows to use more then one vault per account
Mu Server Files Season 6 Episode 3
InGame Quests and Events- Arca War Battle
- Acheron Guardian Event
- Chaos Castle Survival Event
- Illusion Temple Renewal
- Imperial Fort Event
- Double Goer (Doppelganger)
- Castle Siege
- Loren Deep
- CryWolf
- Devil Square (1-7)
- Blood Castle (1-8)
- Chaos Castle (1-7)
- Swamp of Peace (Medusa)
- Rabbits Invasion
- Pouch of Blessing Invasion
- Golden Monster Invasion
- White Wizard Invasion
- Battle Soccer
- Kalima (1-7) Event
- Kanturu Event
- LaCleon Event
- Last Man Stating Event (Custom)
- Bonus events Event (Custom)
- Santa Village Event
- Halloween Event
- New Year Day Event
Lottery Events
- Lucky Items System
- Rena Event
- Chaos Card
- Moss The Gambler
Box and Sepcial Item Events
- Chocolate Box (Blue, Red, Pink)
- Heart of Love
- Candy Box (Lilac, Vermilion, Deep Blue)
- Firecracker
- Ribbon Box (Blue, Green, Red)
- Golden and Silver Medals
- Start of Sacred Rebirth
- GM Box
- Cherry Blossom (Gold)
- Sealed Silver and Sealed Golden Boxes
Side Features
Mu Server Files Download
- Cash Shop System with gifting and Goblin points options
- Loren Market Location
- Duel System and Duel Arena located on Vulcanus Map
- Original Mini Maps
- Gens System with Gens Chat Support
- Quest System (Tutorial, Gens Quest System, Cherry Blossom Quest and more)
- Pentagram system (including new Pentagrams)
- Elemental Damage System
- Full completed skill tree for all races (including extended skill tree for Fist Master)
- Fruits System
- Expansion of Inventory and Warehouse
- New Trade Feature move items to and from the trade with right click of the mouse
- Mu Helper BOT System
- Marry System advanced Marry System to get a wonderful wedding with your love
- Fenrir - Red, Blue, Black, Golden combination & Pets
- Ring of Warrior for level 40 and 80
Mu Server Files Season 10
Configuration File:
Server Change IP, LogSQL/Pass:
- MuServer1._DataServerDataServer.ini <--------- Log/Pass, IP
- MuServer1._DataServer_BattleCoreDataServer.ini <--------- Log/Pass, IP
- MuServer2._ConnectServerIGC_ServerList.xml <--------- IP
- MuServerIGCDataIGC_MapServerInfo.xml <--------- IP
- MuServerIGCToolsIGC.EssentialToolconfig.ini <--------- Log/Pass, IP (Editor)
Client: - MuServer1._DataServer_BattleCoreDataServer.ini <--------- Log/Pass, IP
- MuServer2._ConnectServerIGC_ServerList.xml <--------- IP
- MuServerIGCDataIGC_MapServerInfo.xml <--------- IP
- MuServerIGCToolsIGC.EssentialToolconfig.ini <--------- Log/Pass, IP (Editor)
Edit Only Serverinfo.bmd in /Data/Local
(Editor includ in packet server file)
Download:(Editor includ in packet server file)
Mirror Mega:
- Webzen
- IGCN Team
- DaoVanTrong - take all lib
- Evilek
- IGCN Team
- DaoVanTrong - take all lib
- Evilek
Specjal Thenks:
- Ashllay - make better serverinfo.bmd edytor
IGC.DLL + Camera3D
Credits Camera
Camera make
New Update :
ServerInfo.bmdItem.bmd*Active Off_LevelSystem for this license
*fix sporadic Disconnect in GameServer_C
*fix sporadic Disconnect in GameServer_C
Download the link above
› See More: Compiled IGCN Season 9 Server Files for Mu Online Server