Esn Dec Meid Converter Decimal

I had a look at wikipedia article on MEID format and it gave required information. You want to convert 7700 to 10057472. 99000124base16 = base10. 997700base16 = 10057472base10. Concatenating base10 numbers gives 10057472. Theory: Split the hex number into 2 parts, length 8 and length 6.

Active5 years, 9 months ago

L4 Meid Converter


How to make conversion like on this page?

I tried to make like this but the result is wrong

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closed as off-topic by David Heffernan, Ken White, Toby Allen, RBA, Rob KennedyDec 16 '13 at 22:50

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Esn Dec Meid Converter Decimal
  • 'Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Include attempted solutions, why they didn't work, and the expected results. See also: Stack Overflow question checklist' – David Heffernan, Ken White, RBA
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1 Answer

According to Wikipedia

Esn Dec Meid Converter Decimal

For the decimal format the first three digits are the decimal representation of the first 8 bits (between 000 and 255 inclusive) and the next 8 digits are derived from the remaining 24 bits and will be between 00000000 and 16777215 inclusive

The above gives the same output with that page, however, I don't know anything about an ESN.

Sertac AkyuzSertac Akyuz
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Esn Hex Meid Converter

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