Anti Deep Freeze Install Program From Disc

This video provides instructions on how to take advantage of Deep Freeze's most important features.

Active6 months ago

How do I uninstall Deep Freeze manually using registry?

Peter Mortensen
8,55916 gold badges62 silver badges85 bronze badges
3502 gold badges6 silver badges18 bronze badges

4 Answers

I've been using Deep Freeze for a while, and I never uninstalled it with the registry. It seems to have a way to do this anyway - see How to manually uninstall Deep Freeze.

You can also read more in How To Uninstall Deep Freeze From A Computer about how to delete Deep Freeze.

Peter Mortensen
8,55916 gold badges62 silver badges85 bronze badges
4,9949 gold badges36 silver badges63 bronze badges

First and foremost, you cannot uninstall Deep Freeze until you thaw the machine. Otherwise the changes you made to perform the uninstall are lost along with everything else when you reboot.

Secondly, Deep Freeze works (in part) through a low-level kernel driver for your hard disk and SATA/IDE bus. There is also a service that runs, and you can disable that service (don't: it will break your system). But you can't just remove a kernel driver by changing a few registry keys. You also need to make sure you have an equivalent kernel driver to handle the disk requests (normally now, rather using the frozen method).

The normal way to uninstall Deep Freeze is to re-run the installation program. If you can't do this, you can still boot from a different location like a CD or DVD and re-install your operating system. Most frozen computers will also disable booting from anywhere but the frozen hard disk in the BIOS, and then lock the BIOS to prevent changes. This means you may also need to hard-reset your BIOS.

It's all software in the end, so I suppose there must be a way to do this on a thawed computer without re-installing the operating system - but it's more than just changing the registry. You've got to alter some files (probably using VolumeShadowCopy) that are used by Windows itself.

I've heard, but not personally confirmed, that the way Deep Freeze enforces trial mode vs regular mode is through the system date. Standard mode will update it's trial expiration every time the computer starts. If you update the system time to 61 days in the future, you can force the machine to boot thawed.

Joel CoehoornJoel Coehoorn
24.6k10 gold badges76 silver badges124 bronze badges

100% will work..

Try this: First have another unit to install Deep Freeze and do not put any password.Then, boot thaw that unit. Copy the file at the root, c: 'Persi0.*' (something like this). Paste it to the root of the drive that you want to unfreeze, voilà! That machine will be unfreezed. You can now uninstall Deep Freeze after booting.

Peter Mortensen
8,55916 gold badges62 silver badges85 bronze badges

You can simply uninstall deepfreeze by using its installer. If deepfreeze is already installed, the installer would uninstall the installed one beforeinstalling (regardless of version).

If uninstalling gives you the error: 'deep freeze must be disabled before any install / uninstall blah blah bla', then follow these steps I used with the error:

  1. go to system configuration (Windows key + R, then type msconfig)
  2. go to services tab, search for DFServ (Deep Freeze Services), check its box, then click apply.
  3. Restart Computer.
  4. Try To Run Deepfreeze Installer again, it should then say you need to uninstall your current deepfreeze, proceed to uninstallation. A computer restart would be prompted afterwards which you should do.

  5. Optional: If you would still want your deepfreeze, after the restart, reinstall Deepfreeze..

Khai BautistaKhai Bautista

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Deep Freeze Enterprise Final
Deep Freeze ?? Hmm.. sudah tidak asing lagi kan.. yups.. software yang di fungsikan sebagai Pengembali ke default dalam arti begini. ketika kita memasangkan deep freeze dan mengaktifkanya di komputer kita, misal Drive C . maka scara otomatis Drive tersebut akan terkunci. yang mana dalam hal itu ketika kita menyimpan dokument atau menginstall software, namun saat di restart data tersebut atau install akan hilang. karena pengaruh dari deepfresze tadi yang sudah di aktifkan.

lalu apa hubungannya. ?? yups. untuk menghindari virus masuk ke sistem operasi yang berada di drive C kita. jadi ketika si Virus masuk. kita langsung saja restart.maka Virus tersebut akan hilang dengan sendirinya.

Sebenarnya Fungsi deep freeze itu dulunya di dedikasikan untuk komputer dalam pengujian dalam melawan virus. agar ketika si anti virus itu tidak kuat menahan serang virus. jadi tinggal lakukan restart kama secara otomatis virus akan Menghilang di DRIVE yang sudah di protect tersebut.

untuk kita yang mungkin mengganggap kalo deep freeze ini sangat membantu untuk mengusir virus.. di persilahkan untuk mendownload.


Anti Deep Freeze Software

Deep Freeze memiliki kategori versi yakni. Standard, Server Standard, Enterprise dan Server Enterprise. namun saya hanya share yang versi standard dan enterprise nya saja, tidak untuk versi server.

Cannot Install Program From Disc

Langkah Aktivasi

  • Install Deep Freeze, ” Use Evaluation “
  • pada icon Deep Freeze di system try
  • Tekan Tombol (” SHIFT” + “DoubleClick/Klik 2 Kali”)
  • Kalo Muncul Password: Silahkan di sini Sesuai Password yang diingin kan,
  • atau di Kosongkan saja, klik OK
  • lalu jalankan keygen, pilih Deep Freeze Starndard atau Enterprise
  • Copy License Key, dan paste ke Kolom License key Deep Freeze
  • klik Update License, lalu klik ” Activation Options”
  • Pilih Activated offline, Copy Activation Code yang ada di Keygen
  • lalu paste ke kolom Activate offline Deep Freeze
  • done full
  • salam luar biasa

Size: 44 Mb

=> Deep Freeze Enterprise Final | Via zipyshare

=> Deep Freeze Enterprise Final | Via Datafilehost

Size: 8 Mb || Versi Deep Freeze Standard Final

=> Deep Freeze Standard Final | Via zipyshare


=> Deep Freeze Standard Final | Via Datafilehost

Anti Deep Freeze 7 22

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  • Untuk mengetahui password, silahkan klik link Lihat Password di atas
  • Untuk extract file Part, silahkan klik link FAQ di atas
  • Jika Extract file Error or Damage, silahkan klik link Update Winrar di atas