Photoshop: allow users to change the UI language without having to purchase multiple licenses. Also produced by Adobe. How to change the GUI language from German to English in Photoshop CS6 38 comments. If you bought a German version of Photoshop CS6, you may want to switch back to English. In this post I will show you a trick to do this without taking use of a language pack. The main problem is, that Adobe disallows us to switch the language in Photoshop directly, as you can see at the following screen: Ok. We donot have any language pack for Photoshop. However, i have an alternate for you which is only applicable if you have the latest version of PS i.e. CS6 So, You need to get the language swap done for your PS CS6 from Russian to English.
I installed localized version of Photoshop CS6.Problem is, that all online tutorials are based on English version. So I want to change my UI language.
TschareckTschareck1 Answer
Go to where you installed Photoshop and find your locale folder, eg.
Windows 7 Russian Language Pack
find file tw10428.dat
and change it's extension from tw10428.dat to tw10428.dak. Restart Photoshop, your menus are in English.
Russian Language Pack
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